Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pug in a Tub!

I know that many of my doggie pals hate bathtime, so this is very embarrassing for me to admit. I LOVE IT! I surprised Mommy Sunday by trying to jump in while she was running the tub. Actually, I was trying to do a cannonball and splash her, but she caught me before I hit the water. Oh well, maybe next time!

This is my "Is is really almost over?" look. Luckily, it wasn't. This was just the shampoo. Mommy always puts a little conditioner on top of my head just for good measure. I make fun of Mommy sometimes for some of the things she does, but the woman certainly knows how to make bathtime great!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tagged by Duke and Gidget!

Before I answer Duke and Gidget's questions, I should say I wanted to title this post, "I'm Back, Part II." Mommy wouldn't let me because she is SO embarrassed for having ignored me this week. She and Daddy suede painted the entryway, and mostly I had to stay out of the way ... something about my hair getting in the paint. I think it makes a great addition to the walls, gives it some texture, but they oftentimes don't agree with my decorating suggestions. So, after giving my world famous pout, Mommy decided to give me a jumbone. This made me sick, and I was up all night with an upset stomach. I'm much better now, and Mommy is tired of home improvement projects, so we are back to blogging!

So on to the tag!

1. Where is your favorite place to sleep?

In the bed, of course. I have a specific nightly routine. Around 9 or 9:30, I start barking at the bed. This is Mommy and Daddy's bedtime cue. Once they hoist me up, I start at the end of the bed, chewing on my loofah puppy. I then squish my way in between Mommy and Daddy, where I must have butt scratches. Then, I wiggle my way under the covers to the very bottom of the bed. Mommy doesn't know how I breathe under there, but I love it.

2. Is there a specific trick your humans make you do to get treats?

Mommy laughed when she saw this question. Mostly I get treats for just being cute, but sometimes she makes me sit and shake. It took me five years to learn this shaking business, but I'm good at it now. She doesn't even have to tell me anymore. I just go ahead and do it. This adds to my cuteness, and I usually get an extra treat for it. Mommy has a video of this somewhere, she says, but we haven't figured out how to post that, yet.

3. If you could spend an entire day doing anything at all with anyone, what would it be and who would it be with?

Mommy and Daddy, of course. One of my favorite things I've done since we moved to Utah was hike at Antelope Island State Park. We had such a great time. I was the lead hiker, of course, showing Mommy and Daddy which way to go and how to manuever around the rocks. It was PAWSOME. I would definitely do that again! Here's a picture of us at the top of Buffalo Point. Yes! There are real buffalo there. We try to stay far away from them. You guys thought the Saint Bernard was a giant? You should see these things!

4. What is your favorite toy?

LOOFAH PUPPY! Here's a picture of my first loofah. I got him for Christmas last year. I honestly don't know how I lived so long without it. Of course, now I'm on my fourth or fifth loofah because I love dissecting them. I've posted instructions on how to do that, but just in case anydoggy missed it, here is the link.

5. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?

I would go back to the horrible day earlier this year when I took a gigantic leap off Mommy and Daddy's bed. I really, really hurt my back that day. I had to go the doctor, and he insisted I be sedated and x-rayed. This was terrifying. Mommy had to leave me there, and she's NEVER left me at the vet by myself before. I'm OK now. I have to take supplements every day to help strengthen my bones, but that's not so bad. The bad part is Mommy is paranoid now. She freaks out if I do the occasional sprint around the house, and she's really scared to take me on hikes, which, as I mentioned above, I love. So I would definitely go back to that day and not jump off the bed.

Monday, August 13, 2007

A New Toy!

For Daddy, although I'm pretty excited about it, too. I mean, there's absolutely nothing worse than having to jungle through long, wet grass to find my favorite bathroom spot. Plus, it gets my belly all gross and, like I've said before, I'm an extremely clean pug, so I have to spend hours afterward bathing.

Now Daddy enjoys mowing the grass, so I shouldn't have to worry about it ever again! Here's some pictures of us on the new thing called a "Riding Lawnmower."

Doesn't Daddy look happy! He even let Mommy ride the new lawnmower around the yard a couple of times. I didn't witness this. I heard her screaming, though, when Daddy snuck up behind her and pushed the gear into full speed!

Enough of the picture taking! Let's get going!

Oh! One more thing before I go! My grandma FINALLY got a computer, so I wanted to give her a shout out. She's still getting the hang of this e-mail thing, but at least now she can see all of my pictures! Welcome to the 21st Century, Nanny! Just so you can put a face with a name, here's a picture from when she visited us last summer.

Til' next time,
Newton :)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

I'm Back!

I'm back, everydoggy! After Mommy and Daddy got back from the desert, our Internet went down. They swore I did something to it while they were gone, but really I didn't. I threw a couple of parties that I hope they don't find out about, but I didn't turn on the computer once. Maybe that crazy terrier I invited over did. The important thing is it's working now, and I'm able to catch up on what everyone's been doing.

Remember when I said Mommy and Daddy would feel bad for leaving me for four days? I was right, and they've been taking me everywhere they can. We went to the Snowbasin Jazz Fest and a pug meetup! I had a great time at both, so I thought I'd share some pictures with ya'll.

This is me intently listening to the jazz. The song was "Georgia on my Mind." I loved it because it was about a Southern state, and as ya'll know, I'm a Southern pug. Mommy says it's OK to like other Southern states when it's not football season. During football season, however, Georgia is a BAD WORD!

Oh yeah! I was lovin' the jazz!

Joe McQueen and Friends ... They were pawsome!

The pug meet-up minus the Saint Bernard monster! I actually enjoyed myself this time, and none of Mommy's possessions got peed on!

Getting some exercise ... if I exercise, maybe Mommy will start giving me my daily dose of Snausages again.

This was a 12-week-old little pug, and he was full of energy. Mommy and Daddy tried to get me to play with him, but I just wasn't too sure, as you can tell by my tail!