Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy Belated Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yep! I'm having to say all three late because my Mommy has been SO LAZY lately. I mean, I'm a pug, and I sure love to nap, but Mommy has had me beat lately. In all fairness, she has been really sick with bronchitis and then she caught the stomach flu. I myself have been busy being her nurse, which she says I'm terrific at. Luckily, she was all better for the holidays ... a good thing because we had company! Daddy's Mommy, Daddy, Sisters and Brother-in-Law all flew in to have a White Christmas, and boy did we have one! Here are some pictures from the holidays.

This is me staying as far away as I can from the white stuff.

Eventually, I have to walk in the cold, white, powder.

This is me trying to figure out what my uncle and aunt were doing in the yard.

I'm still not sure what this is, but they were awfully proud of it. Mommy says it's something called a snowman. I showed him whose yard it was by peeing all over it. For some reason, this got me yelled at by Grandma!

This is Mommy in her Santa hat. I thought every present was mine. This one wound up being Mommy's, but I had my share. I'll blog about that later this week. That is, if I can get Mommy to stop napping and start blogging on a regular basis!!!

Hope everybody had happy, happy holidays!


Weeny&Daisy said...

Hello! We love your blog so we thought we'd say hello and introduce ourselves.. you are sooo adorable!

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Newton!
It makes me so happy to see you again! I was worried about you! Sure I hope your mom is feeling better now!
Looks like you had great time celebrating with your family. Did Santa grant all your wishes?? I hope so!
Happy New Year
Kisses and hugs

Clover said...

Happy new year, Newton! Glad to see you back! Tell your mom to stop being lazy. Just kidding! I hope she is all better now.
Love Clover xo

Jessica said...

Hi Newton.... Welcome back, we missed you. Looks like you had a great Christmas. Sorry you do not like the snow. We love it.

Talk to you later....
Love, Seadra and Zoe

Sandy said...

Hey you all...glad to see you back. I'm glad you are better, too. I think the snowman deserved to be pee'd on! I hope you all stay warm up there.

Nevis said...

Happy New Year!

Balboa said...

Happy New YEar! Looks like you had a great holiday.

I hate the white stuff too, I just don't get why kids like to play in it?!?!?!?

Frenchie SNorts

Page said...

Welcome back! We've missed you, Newton!

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Heeeeeeey guys! Your post is so cool! We love it! And we are so happy to see you!
Happy new year!!!
Kisses and hugs!